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Concrete Pad Installation

Whether you need a walkway or a patio area installed on your commercial property, concrete paving and concrete pads are a great way to ensure a consistently flat, well-built area. Sbergio Bros. Limited offers full concrete paving services in Woodbridge and the GTA. For more information, or to schedule an appointment for your commercial property, give us a call today.
Our Concrete Paving Process
An on-site inspection and survey is done, staking out all perimeters where excavations will be done. Safety cones and caution tape are installed around the area to ensure a safe working environment.
Existing pavement and sub-base is excavated and removed to approximately 20” below the existing finish grade. A new, deep sub-base foundation is installed. We then re-grade and compact disturbed excavated areas.
The new sub-base is prepared by installing approximately 12" of 2 types of stone and placed in 2 stages, compacted in layers to ensure a solid base. The first stage involves placing 6" of 2" crushed concrete and compact in layers. The second stage, which will be the top part of sub-base installation, involves installing approximately 6" of 3/4 crushed concrete, grade and compact.
The sub-base is installed and compacted. All necessary concrete forms are installed as well as 15mm steel rebar, spaced out in 2’x2’ squares.
Steel rebars are secured and tightened. We supply and install 8" of industrial concrete with 6% air at 3" slump. Surfaces to have a broom finish.
We use union control concrete just like the roads, in order to ensure quality control. All of our concrete is lab tested and inspected, and logged for our records.
Once the concrete is cured, we will then remove all forms and clean up all working areas. This includes placing expansion cuts, etc. This will also include repairing and backfilling any adjacent pavements, asphalt, grass, concrete, etc.
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